
Chloë : vocal & Keyboards

Kazz : guitar & chorus

Aka : bass

The Universe is alive. Did you know? It inhales and exhales, with each breath drawing a new fractal pattern in its ever-shifting kaleidoscope of vibrating energy. Everything in the Universe is vibration, and the vibration is consciousness. The Universe is aware. It is a great mind, and we are its thoughts. It is a great body, and we are its cells, vibrating like sound waves – like music, conscious music. We are its melodies and harmonies, sharps and flats, chords and cadences and cadenzas. No two of us are the same. Through each of us, the Universe sees, feels, hears something new. Something never seen, felt, or heard before. Our uniqueness is what propels the Universe to evolve into greater awareness. To make this great work of art we call “existence” ever deeper, richer, and more beautiful. 

The Earth is on the verge of a great awakening. A shift in consciousness into a higher dimension, a higher frequency, where the harmonies connecting all earthlings become audible. Where earthlings, too, will hear the music of the cosmos. Listen. Can you hear it?  

Can you hear us? We are Alien Idol. We come from another star, another island in the ocean of space, an island not so far from yours. Another dimension, now in harmony with yours. We willed ourselves to be born into your world to connect with you, carrying with us only dreamlike memories of who we truly are, propelled by a sense of destiny. Seeing through earthling eyes, inspired by Japanese music, Chloë Akiwaké felt the call, and came to Japan in 2006, to the thrill of attending her first concert in Tokyo, standing unwittingly not two meters away from Kazz, at the same concert – speaking no words to one another, yet sharing the same space. Six years later, in 2012, the two connected – then connected again in 2014, to form Alien Idol. In 2017, Aka joined us. “I know you,” he said when he met us. “I never thought you’d ask me to join you.” But how could we not? We’ll let you in on a higher dimensional not-so-secret secret – the linearity of time isn’t like you think it is. It’s a perspective, not an absolute. Whatever will be will be? We know that what will be will be. It all is, at once. Which facet of it you observe is up to you. 

Alien – a foreigner. A stranger in a strange land. Our souls traversing the ocean of spacetime, to meet you. Idol – the objectified, worshipped, and stereotyped. The silicone doll, put on a pedestal, then taken down and abjectly fucked. Really? You know that silicone can’t fuck back, so why bother? We see you staring at us, open-mouthed, because you sense we are different. We feel your longing for that soul-consuming connection with the feminine, with the Goddess. Will she understand you? Will she heal you? You earthlings have filled your planet with fakes, with products, with commodities, with woman-as-pet, sold and bought by lonely men in cynical avarice and flailing desire. But you already know – all the money in the world won’t make you happy. Fill every sex doll in the world – you’ll still be empty. The same goes for those things you call “nationalism” and “politics.” “Americans are from Mars, Japanese are from Venus” – stereotype the foreigner as you will – but peace will never come. We’re all entities in the same universe. Is your heart better than your liver? Is your brain more worthy than your spleen? Let the battle commence! See where it gets you! 

Gaia, your mother, is hurting. She called to us, from the islands in the stars, for healing. And we know, we know you long to help her. But to help her, you must listen – to her, to your hearts, to each other. The fulfillment you long for lies in love, not rape. Dialogue, not monologue. Me and you, not endless me. Full circle, not endless growth. Productivity must be balanced with receptivity. This is not weakness, it is not failing, it is the order of Nature – whatever your precious quarterly results may try to claim. What is born must die. Remember the feminine: your receptivity, your acceptance. To receive the wisdom and inspiration of the Cosmos, you must make of yourselves an empty vessel. How can one pour wine into a glass already full? Accept, and you shall receive: the vista, the fulfillment, the totality of the conscious experience of “I am.” 

You earthlings are in love with putting things in boxes. Genres – rock-n-roll, blues, jazz, cabaret, new wave, glam, psychedelica. Fashions – goth, punk, rockabilly, visual kei. Eras – the 70’s, the 80’s, the 90’s, the millenials, the Band Boom. Genders – male, female, non-binary, trinary, non-trinary, septuplet. Why? Why do again what’s already been done? What does the Universe learn from that? What do you learn from it? Why let a paltry word define you? Why shut your vibrant, vibrating self into the restriction of a single cell? Remember Ziggy Stardust? Remember his audacious androgyny, his irrepressible iconoclasm? He went home, but now we, Alien Idol, are here to bring it back to you – the gorgeous glamour, the titanic theater, the seductive showmanship, the psychedelic phantasmagoria of rock-n-roll and blues and jazz and cabaret and every other sexy sound in this great big universe full of sound. No genres, no labels, no boxes, no holding back. 

You earthlings are in love with sanitizing experience – sweeping the mess into the closet and under the rug. You brand the dirt, the darkness and the shadow with the stigma of sin – yet you crave it, long for it… as you must! Shadow defines light. Death defines life. Pain defines pleasure. Neither can exist without the other, and together, both define existence. There must be balance. Moonlight to the sunlight. Night to the day. Yet you deny, deny, deny.  

Make of yourselves feminine. Accept and listen. We are here for you. We are the shadow and the sadness, the sex and the smoke and the sin. We are all spirit beings playing a physical game, to revel in the pleasure and the pain both, to revel in the raw experience of the flesh. Jump in the mud. Get dirty. Touch, squelch, and feel. Afraid of being hurt? You’ll be hurt anyway. That’s life. So why bother with the fear? Welcome the whip. Hurts so good! The sting of guitar strings on your fingertips. The ache in your feet after dancing all night. The delirious drunkenness when you drink to the last drop the wine we bring you, the wine of our mother, Merope, She of the Seven Veils, the Punk Star, the Black Star. 

We are Alien Idol, and we’re here to tell you to value and revel in it all. Cosmically, there is no failure. Every experience is equally valid. Every lash of the whip you suffered was experience gained, and as such, was more precious than gold, more precious even than Instagram likes. We are Alien Idol, and we vibe our own vibe – the nostalgic and the new, the retro future. And we encourage you to vibe your vibe, too.  

We are Alien Idol, and we’re here to tell you not to fear. Change, the unknown, UFOs – don’t fear them! Music is change. Music is time. Music must flow to be heard. To see the particle is to miss the wave, and what kind of surfer does that make you? The flower blooms. The butterfly emerges from the chrysalis. Do you know who you truly are? What’s waiting for you up there, out in the great black shimmering rainbow sky? Maybe it’s true love! Open your hearts, earthlings. Turn on, tune in. Look up, let go. You are spirit. You are soul. You are like us. We’re your cosmic sisters and brothers. We don’t want to invade, or trade, or proselytize. This isn’t Star Wars. This is Star Love. We want you in tune. We want you in our jam band. We want you at our party.